Help a child in need

kids gym outdoors

Kids fitness in Coral Springs, FL

Changing the Lives of Our Youth!

At Fitwize 4 Kids, we believe that every child deserves the chance to experience the joys of youth through social interactions with their peers for proper development. It’s a time of growth, learning, and unforgettable memories that shape a child’s future.

Unfortunately, not every child has the means to attend our classes, events or camps. That’s why we’re reaching out to generous individuals like you who share our vision of providing enriching experiences for children who might not otherwise have the opportunity. Here’s how you can help:

  1. Make a Donation: Your contribution will directly fund camp scholarships, ensuring that deserving kids get to experience the magic of camp. Even a small donation can make a big difference!
  2. Spread the Word: Share our initiative with your network. Together, we can reach more potential donors and make an even greater impact.
  3. Sponsor a Camper: Consider sponsoring a specific child’s camp experience. You’ll have the chance to follow their journey and witness the transformation firsthand.

For those of you willing to some elbow grease we welcome volunteers to assist with our activities.

How we use your donation

Your donation goes towards improving a child’s life. When you sponsor a child from our local community you are helping us to instill proper exercise and diet routines along with teachings that help them build character.

We need YOUR help!
To continue to meet the critical needs of our youth.