Building the whole kid through…


Help a child in your community to reach their full potential

Mentorship basics

Availability: Between Monday – Friday

4:00pm – 6:00pm

Age Range of Kids: 5-15

Areas of Interest: Fitness, sports, academics, social development

kids gym outdoors

Mentor Kids in Coral Springs, FL

Benefits of Mentoring for Young People

Mentoring is often one program component that involves other elements, such as tutoring or life skills training and coaching. The supportive, healthy relationships formed between mentors and mentees are both immediate and long-term and contribute to a host of benefits for mentors and mentees. 

Potential Educational Benefits

Better academic performance. 

A 1995 study of the Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) program found mentored youth earned higher grades than a similar group of young people who did not have mentors (Tierny, Grossman, & Resch, 1995).

Further, the 2007 study of the program found youth in school-based mentoring programs turned in higher quality class work, did better academically (especially in science and written and oral communication), and completed more of their assignments than their peers who did not have mentors.

Youth with mentors had fewer unexcused absences from class than students without mentors (Tierny, Grossman, Resch, 2000; Herrera, Grossman, Kauh, Feldman, McMaken, & Jucovy, 2007). For example, youth participating in the Across Ages mentoring program showed a gain of more than a week of classes attended, compared with those youth not participating in the program (Jekielek et al., 2002). 

Positive attitudes. 

Teachers of students in the BELONG mentoring program reported that students participating in mentoring were more engaged in the classroom and also seemed to place a higher value on school than students who did not have mentors (Blakely, Menon, & Jones, 1995).

kids gym outdoors
kids gym outdoors

Further Benefits of Youth Mentoring

  • Increased high school graduation rates
  • Lower high school dropout rates
  • Healthier relationships and lifestyle choices
  • Better attitude about school
  • Higher college enrollment rates and higher educational aspirations
  • Enhanced self-esteem and self-confidence
  • Improved behavior, both at home and at school
  • Stronger relationships with parents, teachers, and peers
  • Improved interpersonal skills
  • Decreased likelihood of initiating drug and alcohol use (MENTOR, 2009; Cavell, DuBois, Karcher, Keller, & Rhodes, 2009)

Mentorship Request Form

What You Receive as a Mentor with Fitwize 4 Kids

  • Access to a modern kids fitness facility and equipment
  • Support from our management team and certified trainers
  • Classrooms for group study

Ready to help your local community through leadership building, fitness, and education? Fill out our form to get started.